Monthly Archives: March 2015

Afternoon Mood Trigger

Mood imbalances can appear as mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability,inability to concentrate, poor memory recall, lack of focus or even brain fog.  These symptoms can be attributed to a variety of nutritionally-related triggers that include dysglycemia, gluten intolerance or neurotransmitter imbalances.  Research supports that there is a definite connection between the gut health and the brain.  In fact, Dr Natasha Turner, author […]

Is Your Body Talking to You?

Sugar — that’s right sugar — sugar or for that matter, anything sweet seemed to be calling my name every single day.  My “sugar” of choice was raw cookie dough with peanut butter and chocolate chips.  Cooked cookies worked too.  Emotionally, creating cookies connected me to my grandmother.  Initially, I baked the cookies and sent them to work with my […]

Speak to Me, Cravings!

You are not alone when it comes to the sugar search to feel better.  But what are you trying to satisfy?  Need energy? Thirsty? Maybe you suffer from a nutrient deficiency — interesting thought, right? Sometimes you just WANT it.  I use to think that I was made to gobble down raw cookie dough or eat a whole carton of […]

What’s Wrong With Sugar?

Sugar…oh that sweetness that often beckons me in the form of cookies, cakes and chocolate.  Have you ever struggled with sugar cravings?  I certainly have.  There was a time that I would make a huge bowl of cookie dough and proceed to eat dough while I “made” the cookies.  The few cookies that actually got baked, well, they never lasted […]