Looking Back at 2015

Throughout 2015, I wrote about themes like habits, mood-food influencers, toxin influence, energy influencers, hormone influencers, and health-related book reviews.  But as always certain posts resonate with my readers.  So what rose to the top for 2015?

…drum roll, please…

Top Posts for 2015

Quotable: Health is a gift.

“Less Toxins = More Energy” July 14, 2015 (no longer available on this website) — Reducing your toxic load has more to do with increasing your energy level than merely eliminating your toxin exposure. Your body uses a lot of energy to process the environmental toxins that you come in contact with and ingest every day. If you reduce your body’s overall workload, and therefore its energy expenditure, of processing and eliminating toxins, you will have more energy for everything else your body does for you.  Why?  Because your body isn’t using energy to eliminate those nasty toxins…Read More

Serotonin Mood Switch” April 14, 2015 — Our brain depends on Serotonin Mood Switchneurotransmitters to transmit signals. Neurotransmitters are made of amino acids, which come from proteins in our food. Your brain is protein-dependent. It needs amino acids, which make up protein, to manufactures these neurotransmitters.  Interestingly, neurotransmitters that regulate mood, also regulate your appetite. When you become deficient in any of your neurotransmitters, you start to crave carbs and sugars.  The more deficient, the more cravings…Read More

Understanding Self Allows for Change” September 22, 2015 — September — Is it betterthanbeforemontagethe new January?  It’s possible.  Your desire to start fresh, start over, or simply begin a new habit or routine could be the best time for you to do so.  As a home educator for 18 years, I found September was my “New Year.”  It was my month of setting new routines, practices and starting afresh. Unfortunately, many of those new habits never stuck and most of the time were just temporary adjustments.  I have often wondered why I can’t seem to make my habits...Read More

Afternoon Mood Trigger” March 31, 2015 — Mood imbalances can appear as mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability, inability to concentrate, poor memory recall, lack of focus, or even brain fog.  These symptoms can be attributed to a variety of nutritionally related triggers that include dysglycemia, gluten intolerance, or neurotransmitter imbalances.  Research supports that there is a definite connection between gut health and the brain.  In fact, Dr. Natasha Turner, author of The Supercharged Hormone Diet, clearly states that “the hormones…Read More

5 Tips for Sustained Energy” June 9, 2015 — To minimize spikes and crashes in Macros+Fibreenergy level, you want to make sure your nutritional intake supports a sustained flow of energy by limiting fluctuation in blood sugar level. An even blood sugar level can also help you improve your focus and concentration, and help you prevent mood swings caused by hypoglycemia.  What is hypoglycemia?  Clinical hypoglycemia (actually a very rare condition) is the opposite of being diabetic and means your body has lost its ability to balance your blood sugars…Read More

Honourable Mention: “Nourish Your Nervous System” June 30, 2015 (a close Smoothie VS Elixircontender for #5) — Nourish your nervous system, say what?  You might be asking yourself how on earth can a person “nourish” his/her nervous system?  Your nervous system is made up of nerves, electrical transmissions, and of course, your brain.  In fact, it accounts for about 3% of your total body weight and is the most complex organ in your body. It is vital for life, as well as, for how you experience and appreciate life. Swiftly and briefly, the nervous system temporarily…Read More

Looking back at all the blog posts I have shared with you, opens my eyes to what you are reading (or not) and what you want to know about (or don’t).  Thank you to each and every one of my readers for reading, sharing, and commenting on my weekly (mostly) blog offerings.

In 2016, I want to spend more time connecting adrenal-, hormone-, brain-enhancing, and supportive foods with recipes that are tasty and doable. That means I plan to experiment more in my kitchen and share my successes with you, so you can add them to your recipe collections.  So expect more recipes and photos to entice your tastebuds and build your overall health with real food.  After all, food either cures and builds health or it destroys and creates disease.  I don’t know about you, but I plan to build health and avoid disease.

How do you want to feel in 2016? What do you want to be able to do, but your weight is holding back your confidence?

I know that with New Year’s Day coming up in a few days, you’ll be looking and planning how you can fit your skinny jeans better or fit your first pair of skinny jeans, for that matter.  We all do it.  Even I want to “fit” my jeans better.  To keep me on track and motivated, I signed up for the Resolution Run on December 31st at 6PM — that’s right, I’m running in the dark with a headlamp.  Crazy, I know.  But way better than a New Year’s Day polar bear dip!

I want to help you reach the best you can be, physically and emotionally.  And it all starts with creating a personal food and movement plan that is just for you. Get off the weight loss crazy train.  Make permanent lifestyle changes for permanent results.  

Curious?  Then reach out to Brenda by phone or email to book your no-obligation Discovery Chat.  We can chat online, by email, phone or whatever means works best for you.

The next step is yours.  What are you waiting for?

About Brenda

Brenda loves learning and sharing what she's learning with you. She is a certified keto/carnivore coach with Keto-Adapted (Maria and Craig Emmerich, a certified holistic nutritional consultant (CHNC), and a natural nutrition clinical practitioner (NNCP).