Ready for Change? Hire a Holistic Nutritional Consultant

Healthy diet. Fresh fruit plate

Okay, so you now know the difference between a holistic nutritional consultant and a dietitian or nutritionist (in Alberta), but why would you hire me, a holistic nutritional consultant?  Read on to discover 5 reasons why you want to hire me to guide, coach, and support you through your nutritional journey to wellness…

1.   Nutritional Coach and Cheerleader

A holistic nutrition consultant provides inspiration, motivation, and education to guide you to your optimal health and wellness goals.  You receive one-on-one support to keep on track and reach your goals no matter what life throws your way.

2.  Personalized Assessments

Holistic nutrition consultants are trained to identify nutritional imbalances, evaluate where you are right now, and prepare a plan to guide, educate and support you to reach your personal health goals.

3.  Personalized Wellness Plan: What to Eat

To support you to attain your health goals, holistic nutrition consultants create individualized/personalized/customized wellness program that includes the use of whole, nutrient-dense foods, menu plans, recipes, shopping tips, label reading and food preparation.  Your specialized program is designed to fit your likes, dislikes, and food sensitivities (allergies/intolerances).  Furthermore, a holistic approach to food is all about educating and empowering you to make better choices based on your knowledge of proper nutrition.  Additionally, you will be instructed on how your body uses food and more importantly, how to balance your needs and your wants when it comes to nutritional choices.  Holistic nutrition is considering the interconnectedness of parts of the body and health needs.  With the increasing number of dietary protocols available, I am able to help you navigate to a plan that works for you and your body’s needs.  I have taken additional training in the low carb/keto lifestyle, if that is what you are wanting to pursue for improved health and/or weight loss.  And if you are seeking guidance to include more vegetables into your food choices, I have taken courses from Meghan Telpner, Undiet and Undiet Cookbook author.

4.  Personalized Lifestyle Plan (after all, you are more than a diet or food)

Physical symptoms – low energy, weight gain, bloating, headaches, poor sleep – are your body’s way of telling you that you are out of balance and need to be restored.  A holistic nutrition consultant can identify what conditions may be contributing to your imbalance(s) and suggest ways to change them for the better and improve balance.

5.  Improved mood – who doesn’t want that?

Your body works best when its spheres, physical and emotional, are balanced and working together.  Nothing holds you back from living and enjoying your life other than fatigue, lethargy, pain, or a general lack of vitality.  As you improve your diet and lifestyle, your vibrant self that is hidden within will emerge and allow you to feel good and be a happier person.  The spillover effect of improved well-being and vitality is improved self-esteem, contentment, and personal relationships around you.

Today is your day to take ownership of your health and make healthier choices to fulfill all you can be and do.  Take the first step by emailing Brenda, your personal nutritional consultant, who is excited to coach and guide you to be all you know you can be!

Brenda Watt is a certified holistic nutritional consultant, a natural nutrition clinical practitioner (NNCP), and certified keto/carnivore coach based near Cochrane, Alberta.  Check out her blog, Watt Works Nutrition at  Copyright © 2013.  Updated March 2021.

About Brenda

Brenda loves learning and sharing what she's learning with you. She is a certified keto/carnivore coach with Keto-Adapted (Maria and Craig Emmerich, a certified holistic nutritional consultant (CHNC), and a natural nutrition clinical practitioner (NNCP).