
Yes, but…

Whoa…excuses, really. Yes, really. Do you give yourself “permission” to make non-keto eating choices? What are your excuses for “falling off the wagon” or cheating on your keto way of eating? I’m sure they are as plentiful as mine. I’ve had a rough couple of months and yes, even as a keto coach, I’ve allowed emotional eating to erode my […]


Easter is hopping right into your world this week.  As with most holidays, marketers advertise to aim to shift your focus away the what the holiday celebration is traditionally about to, well, in this case, jellybeans, bunnies, chicks, Easter eggs and chocolate. However, for my family, Easter is a Christian celebration of new life, renewal and salvation. I realize that […]

Wellness Journey – Part 1

Wellness generally means a healthy balance of the mind, body, and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. Like many people, I long for feeling well, especially digestively and mentally. Wellness: the state of being in good health I define wellness in more tangible terms — feeling my very best and having the energy to do everything I […]

Like Riding A Bike

As a child, balance was a part of your everyday play.  You practiced and mastered it in gym class or while riding your trusty bike.  How about the playground’s teeter-tooter?  Now, that was a major balancing challenge!  I loved to get the teeter-tooter to keep my friend and I in the air, no feet touching.  As an adult, balance takes on […]

Steps to Stop Excuse Making

All week I have been talking about creating a plan, whether it is for your family’s meals or for steps to make a healthier you in 2014.  Personally, I find that I make excuses (plus procrastinate way too much).  Excuses are merely reasons for allowing yourself not to succeed.  Too often we are our own undoing. Grab a pen and […]