Antioxidants, What Are They Anyway?

Antioxidant CollageThe term antioxidant is definitely getting a lot of buzz these days, but do you know what antioxidants are all about? Read this article to get the scoop on antioxidants and then tune in tomorrow for my handy chart for the 10 best antioxidant foods.

Need A Mopping Crew for Free Radical Clean Up

The reason your body needs antioxidants is because of a tiny molecule called a free radical. Free radicals are created in your systems when your life brings you in contact with dangerous particles, these particles cause something called oxidative stress. They can come from anywhere (and everywhere), but they generally get introduced into the body by way of pesticides sprayed on food, chemical additives in processed food, pollution/smoking and chemicals in cleaners and body care products. But then again, stress, in and of itself, can produce free radicals.  Free radicals can also be made within the body as a result of inflammation or normal metabolism. Because they are ever present, your options are to go live in a bubble OR increase your antioxidant intake.  Hum…I know which option I will be taking.  That’s right, looking for ways to mop up those nasty little devils.

Balancing oxidative stress with antioxidants can improve your health on many different levels; including fighting diseases like cancer, protecting brain and memory integrity, as well as playing a part in slowing the aging process. Sounds pretty good – and it is pretty easy too – start by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables. Then add some nuts. Lastly, try some chocolate (deliciously rich dark chocolate, of course)…oh, doing that already? Great! Tomorrow, you can find out what the ten best antioxidant foods are and in a chart form, to boot, for easy reference.

Unique Compounds

Antioxidants themselves are either a nutrient (vitamin or mineral) or an enzyme that aids in the chemical reactions within the body.

Foods that are the best antioxidants usually contain unique compounds such as carotenoids, flavonoids, and tannins.

ORAC Value

ORAC stands for “oxygen radical absorbance capacity” and refers to how powerful an antioxidant food is. Cooking will lower the ORAC score, so it is important to eat the items listed fresh or lightly cooked, as the longer you cook it the lower the score will go.


Describes how the unique compounds have added benefit to specific systems or parts of the body. The foods listed here are not all the highest on the ORAC scale, but are considered the “best” because they are easiest to include in your diet.

Join me tomorrow for a convenient chart with the Top 10 Best Antioxidant-Rich Foods.

About Brenda

Brenda loves learning and sharing what she's learning with you. She is a certified keto/carnivore coach with Keto-Adapted (Maria and Craig Emmerich, a certified holistic nutritional consultant (CHNC), and a natural nutrition clinical practitioner (NNCP).