Fear Regret More Than Failure

IMG_0205I was pondering what stops me from doing something.  Usually it is fear, fear of failing.  This emotion paralyzes me and doesn’t allow me to reach my full potential or experience what I so desire.

Fear will pass, but regret is forever. -Jillian Michaels

But the question then becomes how do I overcome my fear?  I can go around, over or through fear, but I need a plan.  Think baby steps.  Sure, I will stumble and have to pick myself up as I figure out how to triumph over this obstacle of fear.  By enlisting friends, mentors and like-minded individuals, I can then brainstorm ways to prevail over my fear — those fears are no longer a castle wall of doubt, negative self-talk, and chat from naysayers.  Brick by brick, I tear down that wall simply by making a plan of attack, those doable steps to move forward, over or around.  After all, moving means I am no longer paralyzed or stuck.  Settling is about protecting myself from risk.  Settling means talking myself out of my dreams, ignoring my inner voice, stifling my true desires.

I remember when I was much heavier, like 40+ pounds heavier.  After several failed diet attempts, I settled that I was destine to be heavy (I had a hard time calling myself fat because that would be admitting I needed to lose weight).  With that mindset, I ate what I wanted and didn’t pay much attention to the scale or the fact that I was having to buy larger clothes sizes.  Eventually that attitude caught up with me, my doctor said I had high blood pressure and LDL (the bad cholesterol).  Hum…

Now I had a choice — remain fat and sick or change to become the person I wanted to be.  I chose to lose the weight and avoid the meds.

Losing the weight was nothing compared to my journey of weight maintenance, a journey I am still on today.  I still have to overcome my fear of failing to keep the weight off, but I have no regrets about doing the hard work that got me to a healthier place.

Remember that ultimately, you are the one who will reflect back over your choices/life one day and have to answer the question (or some variant of that question) — Did I fear regret more than failure?

What’s stopping you?  What are you afraid of achieving?  You can be that amazing woman that radiates confidence and stands tall knowing she is worth the choices she made.

If you are needing a boost or a sounding board to overcome your fear of starting your weigh loss journey or improving what you eat, call me for a chat.  I offer a free Discovery Chat, but you have to take the first step of calling or emailing.

About Brenda

Brenda loves learning and sharing what she's learning with you. She is a certified keto/carnivore coach with Keto-Adapted (Maria and Craig Emmerich, a certified holistic nutritional consultant (CHNC), and a natural nutrition clinical practitioner (NNCP).