Making Your Achievement Last


Getting to your goal is only the first half of the battle.

Are you committed to maintaining the results?

Will you be able to pick yourself up when you fall off the wagon?  After all, lapses are part of the learning process.  They happen at the beginning, middle and end of the weight loss journey AND throughout the maintenance phase (the rest of your life).  Lifestyle change is about progress, not perfection.

[Tweet “Lifestyle change is about progress, not perfection. #weightloss #success #maintenance”]

If you are like many individuals that decided that they were going to making changes in 2015, you have already seen yourself fall back into bad habits.  Stop!  That’s right, stop.  Stop giving yourself excuses (and permission) to not do what you started and planned to do.  You want improved health, more energy and vitality.  These changes take commitment, effort, perseverance and determination.

Maintenance begins the moment you make the first change.  Every time you repeat the changes that helped you start your weight loss, you win.  Maintenance is happening every week you don’t gain weight but gain habits, tricks, tips and stay the course.  I hear many of my successful clients tell me that maintenance is when you win at the weight loss game.  You’ve worked hard, followed the plan and use the tools to lose weight.  With maintenance, the goal is no longer to lose weight but to get it from creeping back on.

  • Here are a few tips to help you make sure you keep what you have worked for:
    Surround yourself with supportive community – this could be your friends and family who are supportive of your goals, or a community of people who have the same goals and vision as you do. If you can’t find supportive and positive people around you, look for online or local communities with members who will be there to cheer you along. You can even start your own!
  • Find an accountability partner to keep up your consistent effort – e.g. find a gym buddy to make sure that you don’t skip your workout just because your thigh feels a little sore (for the third day in a row!)
    Make sure whatever you need to do to maintain the results are realistic and can be integrated into your life.
  • Create a “survival tool box” with ideas and actions that will help you get back on track – e.g. call a supportive friend when you hit a hump, or get a few booster sessions with your health coach to help you get over your challenges.
  • Revisit your goals periodically to make sure they are still in alignment with your big vision and your big why – you need something that you truly believe in to pull you forward and maintain the hard-earned results.

Take a moment right now to list 3 ways you can get support and accountability.  Then make sure you take the action to set them up!

Needing help — reach out and arrange for one of my FREE Discovery Chat sessions.

About Brenda

Brenda loves learning and sharing what she's learning with you. She is a certified keto/carnivore coach with Keto-Adapted (Maria and Craig Emmerich, a certified holistic nutritional consultant (CHNC), and a natural nutrition clinical practitioner (NNCP).