More Veggies, Really?

ID-10072477Definitely I have focussed on including more vegetables into your meals this week.  Don’t stop with adding veggies just this week though.  Instead plan to include 1 or 2 vegetables to your lunch and dinner as often as possible.  Better yet, strategically add them on certain days of the week, until vegetables are a part of lunch and dinner every day.  After doing so for about 28 days, you will have created a habit and your body will be humming along.

We’ve talked about how raw brassicas (that’s the family cauliflower belongs to) can disrupt your metabolism thermostat, your thyroid gland.  I want you to still include brassicas like cauliflower and the best way to minimize their effect on your thyroid gland is to lightly steam, roast or stir fry them.  To boost your metabolism and help with fat burning include brassicas and other goitrogenic vegetables and fruit (peaches, pears, strawberries), but remember to cook them.

About Brenda

Brenda loves learning and sharing what she's learning with you. She is a certified keto/carnivore coach with Keto-Adapted (Maria and Craig Emmerich, a certified holistic nutritional consultant (CHNC), and a natural nutrition clinical practitioner (NNCP).