A Good Defense


Although it is fair to say that you can get a cold or flu any time of the year, it is common to get sick once the kids go back to school.  Other common times to catch a cold include at the start of a vacation or once the weather gets colder.  Simply put, germs lurk everywhere, looking for unsuspecting victims.

What can you to defend yourself?  Basically, you want to be an inhospitable host to these bugs, and to do so, means you must be vigilant both at home and away.  Germs stay around longer than you think.  In fact, some last on surfaces for up to 72 hours and sometimes longer!

One of the simplest habits that can go a long way towards warding off and preventing you from sharing a virus is proper hand washing and hand protocol.

TweetableSoap is to the body, what laughter is to the soul – Yiddish Proverb Tweet!

  • Avoid touching the sink and faucet
  • Use warm water, not hot nor cold
  • Add soap and move your hands away from the running water to lather well; after all, it is the lather that traps the dirt and germs, which is then washed away with the water when you rinse
  • Be sure to wash rings, the tips of fingers, backs and heels of your hands
  • Rinse and use the drying cloth or paper towel to turn off the faucet
  • Need to encourage your children to wash their hands well?  Purchase fun, colourful soaps.  Set a good example by washing your hands whether at home or out and about
  • Be sure to take time to wash your own hands before eating or preparing your family’s meals/snacks
  • Cough into the crook of your arm instead of into your hand
  • Be conscious of keeping your hands away from mouth, eyes and nose

Many healthcare practitioner encourage you to exercise and hit the gym, but germs lurk there too.  People who perspire are releasing germs and toxins.  Remember sweating is your body detoxing.  Good for them, but not so good for you.  It is very important to wash your hands properly after touching bars, handling weights, or holding onto any surface another person has touched or sweat on.

Tweetable: Spread cheer, not germs. (Lysol®) Tweet!

Though the simple hand washing step may not completely protect you from bacteria and viruses, it can’t hurt.  Washing your hands is a good starting place to help your immune system  to protect you.

Here are a few “other” protective practices:

  • Eat lots of antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables — they are full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients
  • Omega-3s, essential fatty acids, help to fight inflammation
  • Drink plenty of pure water to hydrate your tissues and cells, and flush toxins out
  • Avoid sugar and alcohol, as they tend to lower your body’s immunity.  In fact, a Loma Linda University study revealed that sugar can suppress your immune system for up to 5 hours!
  • Get enough restful sleep — sleep provides your body time to rejuvenate and repair itself
  • Reduce your stress — stress suppresses your immunity — by taking an Epsom salt bath, walking in nature, laughing, meditating or any activity that calms you

Develop a good defence plan and keep your need to use sick days to a minimum.

Here’s another WWN blog post that you may find helpful:

Are you looking for guidance to stay healthier and use fewer sick days?  Let’s chat.  Schedule your FREE Discover Chat today — email to schedule. Brenda looks forward to connecting.

About Brenda

Brenda loves learning and sharing what she's learning with you. She is a certified keto/carnivore coach with Keto-Adapted (Maria and Craig Emmerich, a certified holistic nutritional consultant (CHNC), and a natural nutrition clinical practitioner (NNCP).