Monthly Archives: May 2014

Maca — Natural Energy Booster

Feeling sluggish? Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, why not turn to maca, Peru’s version of ginseng, for a natural lift. Maca is a little-known but highly effective energy booster that provides   essential nutrients for physical and mental performance, something your cup of joe won’t do. This super food is loaded with vitamins such as Vitamin A, B, […]

Potpourri of Culinary Fun

I have been spending quite a bit of time in my kitchen experimenting, creating, and adjusting recipes — new ones, old ones, never-tried before ones.  Conclusion, I LOVE cooking!!!! Over the last couple of weeks, I have been taking a variety of workshops from Meghan Telpner (author of Undiet).  This week I took the “Smoothie on Up, Juice It On […]

Plantiful Additions

From a health standpoint, vegetables are an unbeatable food which are naturally nutrient-rich, better tasting than a vitamin pill, low in calories and high in fibre and packed with disease-fighting phytonutrients. All types of vegetables can be nourishing and delicious – local, local organic, organic, fresh, frozen, juiced, blended. I have enjoyed experimenting with my dehydrator because now I can make […]

Mother’s Day Gift to Yourself

We all do it, I am guilty of it too: not allowing enough time (or any for that matter) on ourselves. We are busy people, always rushing from here to there, running errands, trying to drop the kids off on time, preparing food, cleaning the house, walking the dog(s) – making sure that everyone else is fed, watered, and happy. […]