Envision the New You

Jan 8 Blog

New Year’s has come and gone.  And for most of us, so has our resolutions to lose weight, become healthier and fitter.  You planned big.  Mapped out how you could achieve your goals.   And it’s the second week of January 2015 and you’ve failed already — skipped your “planned” workout, indulged in a glass of wine or ate way more than you planned.

New Year’s resolutions usually fail!  That’s right, F-A-I-L.  Everyone is making resolutions for the sake of making resolutions.  Did you join the crowd on January 1st?

It is so easy to say something to be part of the crowd (and not truly mean it), the “nothing new” commitment isn’t that hard to break. In fact, most of you made the very same resolutions that you made last year and the year before. And this is the number one reason New Year’s Resolutions fail. No one – for the most part- really takes her own resolution that seriously. If you don’t believe in your New Year’s Resolution, chances are you won’t keep it.

What if you did things differently?  Forget the resolution game and make goals with measurable and achievable action steps.

“Goals” should be “stepping stones” that will bring you closer to your big vision. Setting and achieving goals is not a “me-too” thing.  The kind where you see others set a certain goals (For example, lose 20 pounds) and you try to do the same thing.

Your big vision is what pulls you through when things get challenging. The goals, big or small, should be the steps that will help you achieve your big vision.

Stop for a moment…write down your big vision…and I mean BIG vision.

[Tweet “Setting goals is only half the story – the big deal is achieving them! #goals #achieve”]

Your goals should be more than “physical” or material achievement. What emotions do you want to achieve by losing 10 pounds? Do you want to feel “sexy” again? Do you want to feel like you “fit in”? Try to achieve those “emotions”, and the “physical” manifestation will follow.

When you focus on how you want to feel, you let go of the material manifestation. You won’t get hung up on the last 2 pounds, if you are already feeling fabulous.

With that big vision also comes your “Big Why”.

Why do you want to achieve your goal? Dig deeper than your initial answer. Your initial response to why you want to lose 10 pounds may be to look good in your clothes. Don’t stop there… ask, then what? Then, maybe you will feel confident about yourself. You will change your life because you feel empowered to step up and do the thing that you have been wanting to do and live to your fullest potential! This will be the big reason to pull you forward when you feel unmotivated. This will be the big reason to get you back on track when you fall off the wagon.

When you write down your goals, make sure they are stated in the positive. The subconscious mind does not understand “negative” – so if you say, “I don’t want to feel tired” your subconscious mind only focuses on “tired” – and you will stay being tired. Instead, say “I want to feel energetic and productive,” then your subconscious mind will get on board to help you achieve a more energetic life!

Your action item: Journal about what feelings and emotions you want to have through achieving your goals.

Create a “Big Why” statement to keep handy whenever your feel stuck or fall off the wagon.

For the next couple of weeks, I have decided to focus my weekly blog on goal achievement.

I offer  6-week or 12-week programs that will assist you in achieving your goals with a nutritionist to support and cheer you along your journey.  Call Brenda or email.

About Brenda

Brenda loves learning and sharing what she's learning with you. She is a certified keto/carnivore coach with Keto-Adapted (Maria and Craig Emmerich, a certified holistic nutritional consultant (CHNC), and a natural nutrition clinical practitioner (NNCP).