
Beet Recipes

When I say beet, what do you think of?  That’s right, those red-purple roots that stain your fingers red and everything else they come in contact with.  Some people may have a scare when they pass “bloody-looking” stools or see red urine.  In fact, beets are an excellent way of measuring intestinal transit time.  Elson Haas, author of Staying Healthy With […]

10 Best Antioxidant Foods

Yesterday, I described why antioxidants are additions needed in all of our diets.  Without antioxidants to scavenge and mop up the free radicals, you would experience inflammation and disease, neither of which you want, if you desire to live a vibrant and healthy life. Check out the chart and pick a couple of antioxidant foods that you might like to […]

Antioxidants, What Are They Anyway?

The term antioxidant is definitely getting a lot of buzz these days, but do you know what antioxidants are all about? Read this article to get the scoop on antioxidants and then tune in tomorrow for my handy chart for the 10 best antioxidant foods. Need A Mopping Crew for Free Radical Clean Up The reason your body needs antioxidants is because of […]

Kombucha Lemon Berry Sangria

Why is this cocktail considered a healthy choice? Kombucha is a fermented drink that is naturally effervescent. Some of its claims to fame are: detoxification, aiding digestion and boosting the immune system. The berries contain antioxidants and the alcohol has both antioxidants and pro-oxidants, so they potentially balance out. White wine has two strong antioxidants of its own, tyrosol and […]

Potpourri of Culinary Fun

I have been spending quite a bit of time in my kitchen experimenting, creating, and adjusting recipes — new ones, old ones, never-tried before ones.  Conclusion, I LOVE cooking!!!! Over the last couple of weeks, I have been taking a variety of workshops from Meghan Telpner (author of Undiet).  This week I took the “Smoothie on Up, Juice It On […]