
A Cup of Green Tea…

After a touch of winter, spring has brought the sunshine today.  Although the temperature is still hovering around zero, the sunshine radiating through the window offers hope that the snow will melt, the ground will thaw, and the temperatures will go up. Since it isn’t warm enough to sit outside on my south-exposure deck to soak up the rays, I […]

Dining Out Tips

Many of us dine out at least once per week.  Dining out gives us a break from planning, prepping and cleaning up.  Besides it is fun, convenient and timesaving, right? Unfortunately, dining out can cause a bulging waistband.  Why you might ask?  Dining out can double the calories and fat eaten compared to a meal you make in your own […]

Feeling Dry?

As the weather warms up, staying hydrated becomes more and more important. Water is the quintessential thirst quencher and no other liquid will alleviate dehydrate as effectively and as naturally without adding calories to your waistline. Over the years, bottled water has become a manufactured necessity distracting us from how fortunate we are to having potable water flowing from our […]